George Markomanolis

George Markomanolis#


George Markomanolis is Principal Member of Technical Staff Software Development Engineer at AMD. He helps with the AMD training, among supporting European HPC sites. He works on understanding and porting codes for AMD GPUs. In his current and previous role, he prepared and gave many trainings regarding HIP porting, HIP programming, benchmarking GPUs, and evaluating various programming models that can be used on AMD GPUs. His research interests are in applications porting on GPUs, benchmarking, performance evaluation/optimization of HPC applications on various technologies, and parallel I/O analysis on filesystems. He is co-developer and member of the IO500 committee. Before joining AMD, he has worked in various supercomputing centers. He obtained his MSc in Computational Science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France in 2014.