Boosting Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance with AMD Instinct™ MI300X#

Boosting Computational Fluid Dynamics Performance with AMD Instinct™ MI300X
January 14, 2025 by Martin Huarte.
3 min read. | 836 total words.

This blog will guide you, step-by-step, through the process of installing and running benchmarks with Ansys Fluent and AMD MI300X. We start with an overview of the Ansys Fluent CFD application and then show you how to set up an AMD MI300X system to run benchmarks. The blog benchmarks results demonstrate the dramatic impact the MI300X has on speeding up simulations, improving design efficiency, and reducing costs in the automotive, aerospace, and environmental engineering industries.

Ansys Fluent Overview#

Ansys Fluent® is well-known in the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) space and is praised for its versatility as a general-purpose solver. Scientists and engineers alike use Fluent across numerous industry segments globally, particularly in the automotive and aerospace sectors, as well as in energy, materials and chemical processing, and high-tech industries. Ansys recently integrated support for AMD Instinct™ MI200 and MI300 accelerators into Fluent fluid simulation software, significantly enhancing simulation efficiency and power. Fluent runs in production on AMD Instinct™ GPUs out of the box today. In order to run Ansys Fluent on AMD Instinct™ GPUs simply check a box in the Fluent launcher or add the -gpu flag to your command line, since the running environments are similar for the CPU and GPU solvers in Fluent fluid simulation software.

Performance Testing Methodology#

The benchmarks described in this blog evaluate the performance of the AMD Instinct™ MI300X platform and the NVIDIA H100 platform across key CFD use cases using four Ansys Fluent Benchmark models. Ansys designed these tests to measure time to solution speed and efficiency under configurations representative of real-world applications such sedan cars, airplane wings, and racing cars. We tailored the benchmarks workloads to reflect varying model sizes in terms of millions of cells, and efficiency in terms of cell types relevant to these use cases, as detailed in the table below. As will become apparent, the large 192 GB HBM3 memory capacity and high memory bandwidth, along with the new AMD Infinity Cache™ of the AMD Instinct MI300X makes the MI300X an excellent choice for these applications and their steady-state analysis requirements.

Summary and Descriptions of Use Cases#

Use Case

Size [millions of cells]

Cell Type





Standard k-epsilon turbulence model that simulates the external flow over a passenger sedan. Allows customers to optimize the aerodynamic performance of their designs, automate shape optimizations, especially for complex components like side mirrors, improving the vehicle’s fuel efficiency, stability, and overall performance.




Realizable K-e turbulence model simulates the airflow over an aircraft wing. Allows aviation customers to optimize the aerodynamic performance of their aircraft designs and analyze low-speed air flow corresponding to take-off and landing conditions over a mock-up aircraft wing. This helps improve aircraft’s fuel efficiency, and stability.




SST k-omega turbulence simulating the flow and heat transfer in an exhaust manifold, measures flow structure and conservation of mass and energy. Allows customers to understand and optimize the performance of their exhaust systems.




Realizable k-epsilon turbulence model simulates the flow around a Formula 1 racing car, measures flow structure and conservation of mass. Allows F1 constructors and teams to have insights into aerodynamics, thermal management, and vehicle performance, thereby contributing to competitive advantage on the track.

AMD Instinct MI300X GPU Test System Configuration#

For the MI300X benchmarks, Ansys Fluent version 2024 R2 was executed using FP64 precision across 8 GPUs on a SuperMicro server. The Fluent Coupled Solver ran using the sedan_4m, aircraft_wing_14m, exhaust_system_33m, and f1_racecar_140m benchmark models.



Server Platform

Supermicro AS -8125GS-TNMR2


AMD Instinct MI300X Platform (8x MI300X OAM GPUs 192GB HBM3, 750W each)


2x AMD EPYC™ 9554 CPUs


2x 64 cores

Numa Config

1 NUMA node per socket





Host OS

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Host GPU Driver

ROCm™ 6.2.0-66

BIOS Version

American Megatrends Inc. - 1.1

ROCm™ Version


Learn more about the compute, memory, and networking capabilities of the MI300X platform in the AMD CNDA™ 3 Architecture white paper.

NVIDIA H100 GPU Test System Configuration#

The NVIDIA H100 benchmarks ran on Ansys Fluent version 2024 R2, executed using FP64 precision across 8 GPUs, using the Fluent Coupled Solver on the sedan_4m, aircraft_wing_14m, exhaust_system_33m, and f1_racecar_140m benchmark models.



Server Platform



8x NVIDIA H100 SXM GPUs 80GB HBM3 (700W each)


2x Intel Xeon 8480CL CPUs


2x 56 cores

Numa Config

1 NUMA node per socket





Host OS

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Host GPU Driver

CUDA 12.2

BIOS Version

Test Walkthrough#

The following is a walkthrough of the code installation and configurations set as part of this benchmarking study. It includes step-by-step instructions for replicating the MI300X and H100 results.

Single-Node Server Requirements



Operating Systems

ROCm™ Driver

Container Runtimes

X86_64 CPU(s)

AMD Instinct MI300A/X APU/GPU(s)
AMD Instinct MI200 GPU(s)
AMD Instinct MI100 GPU(s)

Oracle Linux

ROCm Latest

Docker Engine Singularity

For ROCm installation procedures and validation checks, see:

Installing Ansys Fluent bare metal option#

[To build or install Fluent on a Docker container instead of bare metal, follow the instructions in the section Installing Ansys Fluent base container option below.](### Installing Ansys Fluent base container option)

This installation guide assumes that you have a license for Ansys Fluent and a tar with the Fluent application provided by Ansys. This example is using a tar with the name fluent.24.2.lnamd64.tgz.

Build System Requirements

  • ROCm

  • Mesa 3D Graphics libraries and XCB Utilities Libraries

  • MPI Stack (optional)

    • OpenMPI/UCC/UCX

    • Cray MPI

Install Steps
This example installs Ansys Fluent into /opt, but this is not required.

Extract tar files

cd /opt
tar -xzvf fluent.24.2.lnamd64.tgz

Adding Fluent to PATH and setting environment variables

export PATH=/opt/ansys_inc/v242/fluent/bin:/opt/ansys_inc/v242/fluent/bench/bin:$PATH

Link Fluent Python into Path

ln -s /opt/ansys_inc/v242/commonfiles/CPython/3_10/linx64/Release/python/bin/python /usr/bin/python


sudo update-alternatives -set python /opt/ansys_inc/v242/commonfiles/CPython/3_10/linx64/Release/python/bin/python

Setup external MPI (optional)
This example uses local Open MPI installed at /opt/ompi. To use CRAY MPI, point it to the root of the install.

export OPENMPI_ROOT=/opt/ompi 

Ansys License#

There are two license methods for Ansys Fluent. One of the following is required to run Ansys Fluent on a GPU node.

  • License Server
    The ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable should be set to the AnsysLMD server address that you use. export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@<AnsysLMD server IP address>

  • Temporary License
    This example uses a file ansyslmd.ini as the licensing file. This assumes Fluent is installed in /opt/ansys_inc/

cp ./ansyslmd.ini /opt/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/ 
 # SSL shenanigans (fixes elastic issue) 
echo "capath=/etc/ssl/certs" >> $HOME/.curlrc 
echo "cacert=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> $HOME/.curlrc 
cd /etc/ssl/certs && wget && ln -s cacert.pem ca-bundle.crt 

Installing Ansys Fluent base container option#

These instructions use Docker to create a container for Ansys Fluent. This container assumes that you have a license for Ansys Fluent and a tar with the Fluent application provided by Ansys ([see Ansys License section above](#### Ansys License)). These files are expected to be in a directory named sources in the docker build context.

This example is using a tar with the name fluent.24.2.lnamd64.tgz.

System Requirements

  • Git

  • Docker

Updating the Docker File
Within the Dockerfile the default value for the FLUENT_TAR and FLUENT_VERSION can be hard coded before building or input at build time.

Ansys License
There are two license methods for Ansys Fluent. At build time, the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE build-arg can be provided or update the Temporary License section by uncommenting out the section and make sure the ansyslmd.ini is alongside the tar in the sources directory.

Possible build-arg for the Docker build command

   Default: rocm_gpu:6.2.4
   This container needs to be build using Base ROCm GPU.

   Default: fluent.24.2.lnamd64.tgz
   This should reflect the tar file provided by Ansys. This file must be in the folder sources and this folder must be referenced at build time.

   Default: 242
   This is the numeric version of the Fluent version number. Eg: The example is 24.2, so use 242, as that is the reference in the Fluent tar.

   If not using the Temporary License, This must be provided. This is the reference to the Ansys License Server/License required to run Ansys Fluent.

Building the container

Download the Dockerfile

To run the default configuration:

docker build -t ansys/fluent:latest --build-arg ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1234 -f /path/to/Dockerfile .


  • ansys/fluent:latest is an example container name.

  • the . at the end of the build line is important. It tells Docker where your build context is located, the Ansys Fluent files should be relative to this path.

  • -f /path/to/Dockerfile is only required if your docker file is in a different directory than your build context. If you are building in the same directory, it is not required.

To run a custom configuration, include one or more customized build-arg parameters.

DISCLAIMER: This Docker build has only been validated using the default values. Alterations may lead to failed builds if instructions are not followed.

docker build \
    -t fluent:latest \
    -f /path/to/Dockerfile \
    --build-arg IMAGE=rocm_gpu:6.2 \
    --build-arg FLUENT_TAR=fluent.24.2.lnamd64.tgz \
    --build-arg FLUENT_VERSION=242 \
    --build-arg ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@ \

Running an Application Container#

This section describes how to launch the containers. It is assumed that up-to-versions of Docker and/or Singularity is installed on your system. If needed, please consult with your system administrator or view official documentation.


To run the container interactively, run the following command:

docker run -it \
    --device=/dev/kfd \
    --device=/dev/dri \
    --security-opt \
    seccomp=unconfined \
    -v /PATH/TO/FLUENT_TEST_FILES/:/benchmark \
    fluent:latest bash

User running container user must have permissions to /dev/kfd and /dev/dri. This can be achieved by being a member of video and/or render group.

Additional Parameters

  • -v [system-directory]:[container-directory] will mount a directory into the container at run time.

  • -w [container-directory] will designate what directory within a container to start in.

  • This container is build with OpenMPI, to use Cray   MPICH, it will need to be mount in over the OpenMPI installation. -v [/absolute/path/to/mpich]/:/opt/ompi/
    Include any/all Cray environment variables necessary using -e for each variable


Singularity, like Docker, can be used for running HPC containers. To create a Singularity container from your local Docker container, run the following command:

singularity build fluent.sif  docker-daemon://fluent:latest 

Singularity can be used similar to Docker to launch interactive and non-interactive containers, as shown in the following example of launching a interactive run

singularity shell --writable-tmpfs fluent.sif
  • --writable-tmpfs allows for the file system to be writable, many benchmarks/workloads require this.

  • --no-home will not mount the users home directory into the container at run time.

  • --bind [system-directory]:[container-directory] will mount a directory into the container at run time.

  • --pwd [container-directory] will designate what directory within a container to start in.

  • This container is build with OpenMPI, to use Cray MPICH, it will need to be mount in over the OpenMPI installation. -bind [/absolute/path/to/mpich]/:/opt/ompi/
    Include any/all Cray environment variables necessary using --env for each variable --env MPICH_GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED=1

For more details on Singularity please see their User Guide

Downloading the workloads#

Copy the .tar files to Ansys installation under [path]/ansys_inc/v<version>/fluent

tar -xvf <case>.tar

Repeat above steps for each individual case packages.

Starting the Performance Test#

  • Utilize 8 MI300X GPUs to run the use cases sedan_4m, aircraft_wing_14m, exhaust_system_33m, and f1_racecar_140m:

ansys_inc/v242/fluent/bench/bin/ -gpu.amd -cores 8 -cases
sedan_4m,aircraft_wing_14m,exhaust_system_33m,f1_racecar_140m -reorder_by_partition 1024 -mpi=openmpi
  • Utilize 8 H100 GPUs to run the use cases sedan_4m, aircraft_wing_14m, exhaust_system_33m, and f1_racecar_140m:

ansys_inc/v242/fluent/bench/bin/ -gpu -cores 8 -cases
sedan_4m,aircraft_wing_14m,exhaust_system_33m,f1_racecar_140m -reorder_by_partition 1024 -mpi=openmpi


Use the verbose mode to obtain useful information about the execution of the commands above should you experience any issues. Simply add the flag -verbose 1 at the end of either of the above commands.

Find further details about these installations at AMD’s Infinity Hub.

Performance Highlights#

The benchmarks results demonstrate that the AMD Instinct™ MI300X accelerator delivers an immediate, out-of-the-box performance gain over the Nvidia H100 across critical CFD Coupled Solver tasks. These benchmarks show up to 10% uplift in time-to-solution speed for models ranging from 4 million to 140 million cells, demonstrating MI300X’s superior efficiency and responsiveness in handling complex CFD operations.

Performance Test Image

Results for latency were calculated as the median of 5 test runs for each cells size and type combination.


The benchmarking results in this blog demonstrate that the AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators deliver an immediate, out-of-the-box performance gain over the Nvidia H100 GPUs across critical CFD Coupled Solver tasks. These benchmarks show up to 10% uplift in time-to-solution speed for models ranging from 4 million cells external car aerodynamics to 140 million cells detailed aerodynamics performance of a Formula 1 car, demonstrating the MI300X’s superior efficiency and responsiveness in handling complex CFD operations. The benchmarking results highlight the dramatic impact of the high memory bandwidth and capacity of the AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators and show how they can provide an advantage for applications requiring steady-state analysis.

MI300X is ready for deployment in environments requiring competitive latency, offering developers a platform that minimizes setup complexity while maximizing performance. For organizations seeking dependable, efficient, and scalable solutions for HPC CFD workloads, the AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators represent a compelling option that can deliver measurable value.

Licensing Information#

Your access and use of this application is subject to the terms of the applicable component-level license identified below. To the extent any subcomponent in this container requires an offer for corresponding source code, AMD hereby makes such an offer for corresponding source code form, which will be made available upon request. By accessing and using this application, you are agreeing to fully comply with the terms of this license. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, do not access or use this application.

The application is provided in a container image format that includes the following separate and independent components:





Creative Commons CC-BY-SA Version 3.0 UK License

Ubuntu Legal


OSI-approved BSD-3 clause

CMake License


BSD 3-Clause

OpenMPI License
OpenMPI Dependencies Licenses


BSD 3-Clause

OpenUCX License


BSD 3-Clause

OpenUCC License


Custom/MIT/Apache V2.0/UIUC OSL

ROCm Licensing Terms

Ansys Fluent


Ansys Fluent

About The Data#

Testing performed by AMD in May 2024.

Results (Median):

MI300X - sedan_4m, 82.67

H100 - sedan_4, 76.79

MI300X - aircraft_wing_14m, 71.01

H100 - aircraft_wing_14m, 67.67

MI300X -exhaust_system_33m, 128.24

H100 - exhaust_system_33m, 138.46

MI300X - f1_racecar_140m, 115.76

H100 f1_racecar_140m, 105.63

Server manufacturers may vary configurations, yielding different results. Performance may vary based on use of latest drivers and optimizations.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document, and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD products are as set forth in a signed agreement between the parties or in AMD’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. GD-18u.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: © 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Instinct, ROCm, CDNA, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Certain AMD technologies may require third-party enablement or activation. Supported features may vary by operating system. Please confirm with the system manufacturer for specific features. No technology or product can be completely secure.