Seismic stencil codes - part 3#

Seismic stencil codes - part 3
August 29, 2024 by Justin Chang, Ossian O''Reilly.
9 min read. | 2198 total words.

12 Aug, 2024 by and .

In the last two blog posts, we developed a HIP kernel capable of computing high order finite differences commonly needed in seismic wave propagation. The optimizations enabled the z-direction kernel, the worst performing kernel based on our initial implementation, to achieve both an achieved and effective memory bandwidth close to 1200 GB/s[1] on a single GCD of a MI250X. This performance corresponds to 85 % of the achievable memory bandwidth, see [2]. In this third and final part of the seismic stencil blog series, we optimize the x-direction and y-direction kernels to boost their performances as well. Afterwards, we fuse all three kernels into a single monolithic kernel following the one-pass approach briefly mentioned in the first part of this blog series.

Recall from Part 1 the baseline implementation:

  template <int R>
  __launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y) * (BLOCK_DIM_Z))
  __global__ void compute_fd_x_kernel(float *__restrict__ p_out, const float *__restrict__ p_in,
          int line, int slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

      const int i = x0 + threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
      const int j = y0 + threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
      const int k = z0 + threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;

      if (i >= x1 || j >= y1 || k >= z1) return;

      size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * k;
      int stride = 1; // x-direction

      // Shift pointers such that that p_in points to the first value in the stencil
      p_in += pos - R * stride;
      p_out += pos;

      // Compute the finite difference approximation
      float out = 0.0f;
      for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r)
          out += p_in[r * stride] * d_dx<R>[r]; // x-direction

      // Write the result
      p_out[0] = out;


The amount of memory traffic at the L1, L2 and HBM memory levels (with memory alignment such that the leading dimension x is padded by 64) for a 512 x 512 x 512 problem size is:



L2 read

L2 write


x-direction: Memory

6979 MB

604 MB

537 MB

1105 MB

x-direction: Memory / cube ratio





y-direction: Memory

5369 MB

1610 MB

537 MB

1080 MB

y-direction: Memory / cube ratio





While the HBM and L2 write ratios report levels we expect (i.e., approximately 2 cubes of movement at the HBM level and 1 cube written from L2), the L1 cache access is undesirably high. This excessive data movement through L1 is a potential reason why both the effective and achieved memory bandwidths both sit under 1 TB/s[1] despite up to 1.3 to 1.4 TB/s being possible for simple streaming benchmarks. The next two optimizations explores techniques aimed at reducing this traffic. Again, we perform all experiments on a 512 x 512 x 512 cube and R=4 on a single MI250X GCD. Memory alignment and offsets are enforced such that the leading dimension x is divisible by 64.

Optimization 1 - vectorized floats#

In our finite difference Laplacian series (see here), we introduced the idea of loop unrolling which widens the tile size and increases data reuse through registers. We shall apply something similar here by leveraging vectorized floats. The idea behind this technique is to widen the tile size in the x-direction via vector instructions. As a result, each thread in a thread block is responsible for computing one, two, or four output elements, depending on the vector size. Naturally, vector instructions increase the register pressure per thread, which may hurt occupancy. However, a benefit of the vector instructions is that they leverage the fact that the hardware is capable of requesting data that is up to 128-bits per lane for global memory load and store instructions. Because the instructions are wider, they reduce the total number of global load/store instructions in the program as well as some of the integer arithmetic associated with calculating address offsets. Provided that the occupancy drops by a factor less than the vector size and that there is no register spillage, this optimization increases the number of memory instructions in flight, which is key to saturating the memory bandwidth.

For this to work in our examples, the leading dimension nx must be a multiple of the vector sizes 1, 2, or 4 (corresponding to float, float2, or float4, respectively).

First, we begin by introducing some preprocessor headers:

// Vectorized floats
#ifndef VEC_EXP
#define VEC_EXP 0
#define VEC_LEN (1 << (VEC_EXP))
using vec = __attribute__((__vector_size__(VEC_LEN * sizeof(float)))) float;

The user will pass in a compiler flag -DVEC_EXP with either 0 (no packed math), 1 (float2), or 2 (float4). The fundamental design of our stencil code is that the normal float arrays are still be passed into the HIP kernels but within the kernels we introduce new pointers to recast float * into the newly defined vec. Next, we introduce some additional preprocessor headers needed for the x-direction HIP kernels:

// x window stencil
#if VEC_LEN == 1
#elif VEC_LEN == 2
#if RADIUS > 2
#define XREG 4
#define XREG_VEC 2
#define XREG 2
#define XREG_VEC 1
#define XREG VEC_LEN
#define XREG_VEC 1

The vectorized floats need to process adjacent and aligned values from the input buffer, p_in. For example, when VEC_LEN == 2 i.e., float2, each thread in the x-direction kernel computes stencils for 2 grid points. Likewise, when VEC_LEN == 4 i.e., float4, each thread in the x-direction kernel computes stencils for 4 grid points.

Consider the for loop inside the baseline x-direction kernel:

    // Compute the finite difference approximation
    float out = 0.0f;
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        out += p_in[0] * d_dz<R>[r];
        p_in += 1;

This code example needs to be rewritten to accommodate for vectorized load and store instructions:

    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);
    float x_reg[2 * XREG + VEC_LEN] = {0.0f};
    vec *x_reg_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(x_reg);

    // Read x into registers
    for (int r = 0; r < 2 * XREG_VEC + 1; ++r)
        x_reg_vec[r] = p_in_vec[0 - XREG_VEC + r];
    // Compute the finite difference approximation
    vec out = {0.0f};
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        for (int ii = 0; ii < VEC_LEN; ++ii)
            out[ii] += x_reg[XREG_OFF + r + ii] * d_dx<R>[r]; 

Several code changes have been applied:

  1. Recast all the float * buffers to the newly defined vectorized vec *

  2. Introduce a register x_reg similar to the sliding window concept introduced in the previous post. This x_reg register contains 9 elements when R == 4, VEC_LEN == 1 but will contain 10 and 12 elements when VEC_LEN == 2 and VEC_LEN == 4, respectively. Likewise, the x_reg_vec register contains 9, 5, and 3 elements when VEC_LEN == 1, VEC_LEN == 2, and VEC_LEN == 4, respectively

  3. Split the for loop into two. The first loop simply loads the vectorized floats into x_reg_vec

  4. The second loop is a double nested loop where x_reg and d_dx<R> are shifted to compute the finite difference for each of the VEC_LEN grid points.

Below is a pictorial description of how the above definitions fit into the overall vectorization:


Figure 1: This figure illustrates how vectorized loads and stores affect the number of stencil points computed for a thread. Each thread performs the same operation that requires reading multiple values from data stored in registers and computes the stencil formula for multiple outputs, determined by the vector length, `VEC_LEN`. The arrows pointing into the register array show global load instructions and the arrows pointing away from the register array show global store instructions. This implementation therefore relies on the L1 cache to efficiently re-use many of the requested stencil neighbors.

Another significant change is the kernel launch configuration:

#define BLOCK_DIM_X (64 * (4 / RADIUS))

Previously, the stencil kernels were launched with a thread block configuration of 256 x 1. Now, the thread block configuration is selected based on the order of the finite difference approximation. So if R=4, then the kernel has a thread block configuration of 64 x 4.

The full code with launch parameters is:

template <int R>
__launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y))
__global__ void compute_fd_x_vec_kernel(float *__restrict__ p_out, const float *__restrict__ p_in, 
        int line, int slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

    const int i = x0 + VEC_LEN * (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x);
    const int j = y0 + threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
    const int k = z0 + threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;

    if (i >= x1 || j >= y1 || k >= z1) return;

    size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * k;

    // Shift pointers such that that p_in points to the first value in the stencil
    p_in += pos;
    p_out += pos;
    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);
    float x_reg[2 * XREG + VEC_LEN] = {0.0f};
    vec *x_reg_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(x_reg);

    // Read x into registers
    for (int r = 0; r < 2 * XREG_VEC + 1; ++r)
        x_reg_vec[r] = p_in_vec[0 - XREG_VEC + r];
    // Compute the finite difference approximation
    vec out = {0.0f};
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        for (int ii = 0; ii < VEC_LEN; ++ii)
            out[ii] += x_reg[XREG_OFF + r + ii] * d_dx<R>[r]; 

    // Write the result
    p_out_vec[0] = out;


template <int R>
void compute_fd_x_vec(float *p_out, const float *p_in, const float *d, int line, int
        slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

    dim3 block (BLOCK_DIM_X, BLOCK_DIM_Y);
    dim3 grid;
    grid.x = ceil(x1 - x0, VEC_LEN * block.x);
    grid.y = ceil(y1 - y0, block.y);
    grid.z = ceil(z1 - z0, block.z);

    compute_fd_x_vec_kernel<R><<<grid, block>>>(p_out, p_in, d, line, slice, x0, x1, y0, y1, z0,

The code transformation to vectorize the y-direction kernel is simpler:

template <int R>
__launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y))
__global__ void compute_fd_y_vec_kernel(float *__restrict__ p_out, const float *__restrict__ p_in, 
        int line, int slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

    const int i = x0 + VEC_LEN * (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x);
    const int j = y0 + threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
    const int k = z0 + threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;

    if (i >= x1 || j >= y1 || k >= z1) return;
    size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * k;
    size_t line_vec = line >> VEC_EXP;

    // Shift pointers such that that p_in points to the first value in the stencil
    p_in += pos - R * line;
    p_out += pos;
    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);
    // Compute the finite difference approximation
    vec out = {0.0f};
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        out += p_in_vec[0] * d_dy<R>[r];
        p_in_vec += line_vec;

    // Write the result
    p_out_vec[0] = out;

Similar to the x-direction kernel, each thread outputs VEC_LEN elements in the x-direction However, when accessing the data to load, it is being loaded from a vectorized type while striding in the y-direction. Therefore, the stride needs to be modified based on the vector length, VEC_LEN. This kernel uses the same thread block configuration as before.

Below are the memory bandwidth numbers:


Effective memory bandwidth

Achieved memory bandwidth

x-direction: Baseline

990 GB/s

1018 GB/s

x-direction: VEC_LEN=1

980 GB/s

1007 GB/s

x-direction: VEC_LEN=2

1216 GB/s

1256 GB/s

x-direction: VEC_LEN=4

1240 GB/s

1280 GB/s

y-direction: Baseline

966 GB/s

970 GB/s

y-direction: VEC_LEN=1

967 GB/s

968 GB/s

y-direction: VEC_LEN=2

831 GB/s

834 GB/s

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4

1163 GB/s

1172 GB/s

A few observations here. First, the baseline and VEC_LEN=1 kernels perform similarly which is expected since both operate on float arrays. Secondly, all the kernels benefit from packed FP32 operations. When VEC_LEN=2, both the effective and achieved memory bandwidths are very high for the x-direction kernel. The y-direction kernel has some mixed results depending on the VEC_LEN, but when VEC_LEN=4, the kernel also performs well. Let us now dive a little deeper into the memory level traffic:



L2 read

L2 write


x-direction: Baseline

6979 MB

604 MB

537 MB

1105 MB

x-direction: VEC_LEN=1

6979 MB

805 MB

537 MB

1105 MB

x-direction: VEC_LEN=2

5906 MB

672 MB

537 MB

1105 MB

x-direction: VEC_LEN=4

3221 MB

604 MB

537 MB

1105 MB

y-direction: Baseline

5369 MB

1610 MB

537 MB

1080 MB

y-direction: VEC_LEN=1

5369 MB

1610 MB

537 MB

1080 MB

y-direction: VEC_LEN=2

10737 MB

1611 MB

537 MB

1080 MB

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4

5369 MB

1758 MB

537 MB

1080 MB

For the x-direction kernels, packing the FP32 operations and data movement reduces the amount of L1 traffic. In the case where VEC_LEN=2, the L1 traffic nearly doubled, suggesting that there is a lack of coalescing. The y-direction kernel, even with VEC_LEN=4, is slightly behind the corresponding x-direction kernel, but experiences high levels of L1 traffic. Let us now consider a second optimization targeting the y-direction.

Optimization 2 - Local Data Share (LDS)#

The Local Data Share (LDS) is a fast on-CU user-programmable cache that can be used to efficiently share data between all threads in a thread block. As discussed in the Register Pressure blog post, LDS is one of several memory resources shared by all threads in a thread block. Each CU on a MI200 GPU has 64 KiB of LDS capacity. Since all active thread blocks in a CU share the LDS resource, occupancy may drop if they each require too much LDS. However, even if the occupancy drops, the performance of the kernel may still improve because LDS instructions can replace global memory instructions that need to move data through the caches, and potentially HBM.

Although the HBM traffic is already at expected levels, leveraging LDS for this particular kernel alleviates the L1 cache pressure. Below is the modified code applying both vectorized load and store instructions and LDS:

template <int R>
__launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y))
__global__ void compute_fd_y_vec_kernel(float *__restrict__ p_out, const float *__restrict__ p_in, 
        int line, int slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

    const int i = x0 + VEC_LEN * (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x);
    const int j = y0 + threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
    const int k = z0 + threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;

    size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * k;
    size_t spos = threadIdx.x + (y0 + threadIdx.y) * BLOCK_DIM_X;
    size_t line_vec = line >> VEC_EXP;

    // Shift pointers such that that p_in points to the first value in the stencil
    p_in += pos;
    p_out += pos;
    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);

    const int lds_y = BLOCK_DIM_Y + 2 * R;
    __shared__ vec smem[BLOCK_DIM_X * lds_y];

    // Read y into LDS
    smem[spos - (BLOCK_DIM_X * R)          ] = p_in_vec[0 - R * line_vec];
    smem[spos                              ] = p_in_vec[0];
    smem[spos + (BLOCK_DIM_X * BLOCK_DIM_Y)] = p_in_vec[0 + line_vec * BLOCK_DIM_Y];
    if (i >= x1 || j >= y1 || k >= z1) return;

    // Compute the finite difference approximation
    vec out = {0.0f};
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        out += smem[spos + (r - R) * BLOCK_DIM_X] * d_dy<R>[r];

    // Write the result
    p_out_vec[0] = out;

The code example above introduces the following:

  1. A new register spos that tracks the thread indexing in the LDS memory

  2. A static LDS memory allocation, smem, that holds vec types with size BLOCK_DIM_X * (BLOCK_DIM_Y + 2 * R)

  3. Reads p_in_vec into smem in a cyclic manner

  4. Computes and stores the finite difference stencil using data loaded into the LDS array smem

Before, we saw that VEC_LEN=4 performed the best and therefore we revisit this choice for the LDS implementation. Passing -Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage to the compilation flag quickly lets us inspect the kernel resources and the impact of adding LDS:

remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     SGPRs: 44 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     VGPRs: 39 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     AGPRs: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     ScratchSize [bytes/lane]: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     Occupancy [waves/SIMD]: 8 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     SGPRs Spill: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     VGPRs Spill: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_vec.hpp:13:0:     LDS Size [bytes/block]: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]


remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0: Function Name: _Z27compute_fd_y_lds_vec_kernelILi4EEvPfPKfS2_iiiiiiii [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     SGPRs: 24 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     VGPRs: 21 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     AGPRs: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     ScratchSize [bytes/lane]: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     Occupancy [waves/SIMD]: 5 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     SGPRs Spill: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     VGPRs Spill: 0 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]
remark: ./compute_fd_y_lds_vec.hpp:13:0:     LDS Size [bytes/block]: 12288 [-Rpass-analysis=kernel-resource-usage]

The LDS implementation with VEC_LEN=4 requires 12288 bytes per block for a thread block size of 256 (1 wave / SIMD). Despite lowering both the SGPR and VGPR usage, the occupancy drops to 5 due to the LDS usage: 12.288 KB x 5 = 61.44 KB < 64 KiB. The table below shows the performance.


Effective memory bandwidth

Achieved memory bandwidth

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4

1163 GB/s

1172 GB/s

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4 + LDS

1272 GB/s

1289 GB/s

Despite a slightly lower occupancy for the kernel with LDS, there is significant improvement in the effective and achieved memory bandwidth compared to the kernel without LDS. In fact, this performance is nearly on par with the BabelStream performance discussed earlier. Next, we investigate the memory traffic:



L2 read

L2 write


LDS Instructions / wave

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4

5369 MB

1758 MB

537 MB

1080 MB


y-direction: VEC_LEN=4 + LDS

2147 MB

1611 MB

537 MB

1080 MB


The L1 traffic has dropped by more than a factor of two and there is a slight reduction of traffic in the L2 reads. According to rocprof, the number of LDS instructions per wave increased from 0 to 12 - this corresponds to 3 instructions reading from HBM and 9 instructions computing and storing the finite difference into the out register.

All three directional kernels (x, y, and z) obtain acceptable performance on a single MI250X GCD. The next section explores kernel fusion to combine all three individual directional stencil kernels into one monolithic kernel to obtain further speedups.

Kernel fusion#

Now that all three directional kernels are highly optimized, the next task is to combine them into a single kernel to further reduce data movement. One of the challenges with applying kernel fusion is that it often stresses the available hardware resources like registers and LDS. As a result, it may be necessary to reduce the tile size and or occupancy. In this case, we will see that we can maintain the same tile size as before. First, by applying vectorization and LDS, we combine the x-direction and y-direction kernels:

template <int R>
__launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y))
__global__ void compute_fd_xy_lds_vec_kernel(float *p_out, const float *p_in, const float *d, int line, int
        slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1) {

    const int sj = y0 + threadIdx.y;
    const int lds_y = BLOCK_DIM_Y + 2*R;
    const int i = x0 + VEC_LEN*(threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x);
    const int j = sj + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;
    const int k = z0 + threadIdx.z + blockIdx.z * blockDim.z;
    size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * k;
    size_t spos = threadIdx.x + sj * BLOCK_DIM_X;
    size_t line_vec = line >> VEC_EXP;

    p_in += pos;
    p_out += pos;
    float x_reg[2 * XREG + VEC_LEN] = {0.0f};
    __shared__ vec smem[BLOCK_DIM_X * lds_y];

    // Recast as vectorized floats
    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);
    vec *x_reg_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(x_reg);

    // Read x into registers
    for (int r = 0; r < 2*XREG_VEC+1; ++r)
        x_reg_vec[r] = p_in_vec[0 - XREG_VEC + r];

    // Read y into LDS
    smem[spos] = x_reg_vec[XREG_VEC];
    smem[spos - (BLOCK_DIM_X * R)] = p_in_vec[0 - R*line_vec];
    smem[spos + BLOCK_DIM_X * BLOCK_DIM_Y] = p_in_vec[0 + line_vec * BLOCK_DIM_Y];

    if (i >= x1 || j >= y1 || k >= z1) return;

    // Compute the finite difference approximation in the xy-direction
    vec out = {0.0f};
    for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
        out += smem[spos + (r - R) * BLOCK_DIM_X] * d_dy<R>[r];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < VEC_LEN; ++ii)
            out[ii] += x_reg[XREG_OFF + r + ii] * d_dx<R>[r];



Also note that we are introducing nontemporal stores via the intrinsic __builtin_nontemporal_store, see Finite Difference Laplacian Part 3 for more details. Below are the performance numbers in comparison with the single direction kernels:


Effective memory bandwidth

Achieved memory bandwidth

x-direction: VEC_LEN=4

1240 GB/s

1280 GB/s

y-direction: VEC_LEN=4 + LDS

1272 GB/s

1289 GB/s

xy-direction: VEC_LEN=4 + LDS

1252 GB/s

1292 GB/s

The xy-direction kernel itself is comparable to the x-direction and y-direction kernels. One can expect up to a 2x in savings in data movement from this optimization. The next challenge is to combine this fused kernel with z-direction kernel that uses the sliding window technique.

template <int R>
__launch_bounds__((BLOCK_DIM_X) * (BLOCK_DIM_Y))
__global__ void compute_fd_xyz_lds_window_vec_kernel(float *p_out, const float *p_in, int line, int
        slice, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int z0, int z1, int nw) {

    const size_t i = (x0 + VEC_LEN * (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x));
    const size_t j = y0 + threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y;

    if (i >= x1) return;

    // Determine the k indices covered by this sliding window
    // The extent cannot exceed the z1
    const int kbegin = z0 + blockIdx.z * nw;
    const int kend = kbegin + nw > z1 ? z1 : kbegin + nw;

    size_t pos = i + line * j + slice * kbegin;
    size_t slice_vec = slice >> VEC_EXP;
    size_t line_vec = line >> VEC_EXP;

    // Shift pointers such that that p_in points to the first value in the sliding window
    p_in += pos - R * slice;
    p_out += pos;
    const vec *p_in_vec = reinterpret_cast<const vec*>(p_in);
    vec *p_out_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(p_out);

     // LDS for y direction
    const int lds_y = BLOCK_DIM_Y + 2*R;
    const int sj = y0 + threadIdx.y;
    size_t spos = threadIdx.x + sj * BLOCK_DIM_X;
    __shared__ vec smem[BLOCK_DIM_X * lds_y];

    // z direction sliding window
    vec w[2 * R + 1];

    // solution register
    vec out[R+1];

    // x direction stencil
    float x_reg[2 * XREG + VEC_LEN];
    vec *x_reg_vec = reinterpret_cast<vec*>(x_reg);

    // 1. Prime the z sliding window
    for (int r = 0; r < R; ++r) {
        w[r] = p_in_vec[0];
        p_in_vec += slice_vec;
    for (int r = R; r < 2 * R; ++r) {

        // 2. Load x into registers
        for (int r2 = 0; r2 < 2*XREG_VEC + 1; ++r2)
            x_reg_vec[r2] = p_in_vec[0 - XREG_VEC + r2];

        // 3. Load y into LDS
            smem[spos - (BLOCK_DIM_X * R)] = p_in_vec[0 - R * line_vec];
            smem[spos] = x_reg_vec[XREG_VEC];
            smem[spos + (BLOCK_DIM_X * BLOCK_DIM_Y)] = p_in_vec[0 + line_vec * BLOCK_DIM_Y];

        // 4. Compute xy stencils
        out[r-R] = {0.0f};
        for (int r2 = 0; r2 <= 2 * R; ++r2) {
            out[r-R] += smem[spos + (r2 - R) * BLOCK_DIM_X] * d_dy<R>[r2]; // y-direction
            for (int ii = 0; ii < VEC_LEN; ++ii)
                out[r-R][ii] += x_reg[XREG_OFF + r2 + ii] * d_dx<R>[r2]; // x-direction

        // Prime the z sliding window
        w[r] = x_reg_vec[XREG_VEC];
        p_in_vec += slice_vec;

    // Apply the sliding window along the given grid direction
    for (int k = kbegin; k < kend; ++k) {

        // 2. Load x into registers
        for (int r2 = 0; r2 < 2*XREG_VEC+1; ++r2)
            x_reg_vec[r2] = p_in_vec[0 - XREG_VEC + r2]; // x - R

        // 3. Load y into LDS
            smem[spos - (BLOCK_DIM_X * R)] = p_in_vec[0 - R * line_vec]; // y - R
            smem[spos] = x_reg_vec[XREG_VEC];
            smem[spos + (BLOCK_DIM_X * BLOCK_DIM_Y)] = p_in_vec[0 + line_vec * BLOCK_DIM_Y]; // y + R

        // 4. Compute xyz stencils
        w[2*R] = x_reg_vec[XREG_VEC];
        out[R] = {0.0f};
        for (int r = 0; r <= 2 * R; ++r) {
            out[0] += w[r] * d_dz<R>[r]; // z-direction
            out[R] += smem[spos + (r - R) * BLOCK_DIM_X] * d_dy<R>[r]; // y-direction
            for (int ii = 0; ii < VEC_LEN; ++ii)
                out[R][ii] += x_reg[XREG_OFF + r + ii] * d_dx<R>[r]; // x-direction

        // 5. Write only if within y boundary
        if (j < y1)

        // 6. Update the sliding window by shifting it forward one step
        for (int r = 0; r < R; ++r)
            out[r] = out[r+1];
        for (int r = 0; r < 2*R; ++r)
            w[r] = w[r+1];

        // Increment pointers
        p_in_vec += slice_vec;
        p_out_vec += slice_vec;

For this final monolithic kernel, we summarize few key ingredients below.

  1. Exit if the threads exceeds x1 only

  2. Split the priming step into two parts

  3. First part loads the z-direction stencil into a sliding window register w

  4. Second part still loads the z-direction stencil but also computes the x and y direction stencils and stores the result into a temporary output register out

  5. During the sliding window phase, the z-direction stencil computes and combines with the previously store xy-direction stencil.

  6. Introduce additional __syncthreads() before the LDS load operations to avoid any data hazards

  7. Write the result only if the thread does not exceed y1

Below is the result across various values of nw:


Figure 1: The fully combined xyz kernel reach over 1000 GB/s in both the achieved and effective memory bandwidths. The R/W ratio drops and approaches one as the window size increases.

At around nw = 100 and nw = 200, both memory bandwidth FOMs hit just over 1000 GB/s. It should also be noted that as nw increases, the R/W hovers slightly above 1 and is worse than the predicted value calculated from Part 2. Another interesting observation, unlike in the z-direction sliding window kernel, is that both the achieved and memory bandwidths are relatively lower when nw is either too small or too large.

Even the optimal range of numbers still fall short of the 1200 GB/s observed from the individual directional kernels. However, executing the fused xyz-kernel is still faster than executing the three individual optimized kernels or the xy-direction and z-direction sliding window kernels sequentially.

We can approximate the speedup with these formulas:

\[ T_\mathrm{xyz} = \frac{N}{1000 \mathrm{GB/s}}, T_\mathrm{xy} = \frac{N}{1252 \mathrm{GB/s}}, T_\mathrm{x} = \frac{N}{1240 \mathrm{GB/s}}, T_\mathrm{y} = \frac{N}{1272 \mathrm{GB/s}}, T_\mathrm{z} = \frac{N}{1200 \mathrm{GB/s}} \]

Where \(T\) represents the kernel execution time and \(N\) represents the size of the cube. The speedup one can achieve over executing the three individual kernels is approximated using the following formula:

\[\begin{split} \frac{T_\mathrm{x}+T_\mathrm{y}+T_\mathrm{z}}{T_\mathrm{xyz}} = \frac{1000}{1240}+\frac{1000}{1272}+\frac{1000}{1200} = 2.42\\ \end{split}\]

Likewise, if we wished to combine only the xy-direction kernel, the speedup is:

\[ \frac{T_\mathrm{xy}+T_\mathrm{z}}{T_\mathrm{xyz}} = \frac{1000}{1252}+\frac{1000}{1200} = 1.63 \]

Even with this initial attempt at combining the three kernels into a single pass approach, it still offers up to a 1.63x - 2.42x speedup.

Summary and next steps#

In these last three blog posts, we have covered a basic HIP implementation of computing seismic stencils with high order finite difference computations. Using the same performance metrics as the Finite Difference Laplacian series, we developed a methodology to approximate the effective memory bandwidth and compared it against the achieved or actual memory bandwidth. These posts focused on the following optimization strategies.

  1. Aligned memory: this optimization uses padded memory allocations so that the leading dimension is some multiple of the GPU cache line size.

  2. Sliding window: this technique holds onto a local volume of the input array data in registers and compute the stencil in the z-direction entirely using these registers. This “window” helps eliminate redundant global memory fetches as the kernel iterates through xy-planes

  3. Vectorization: recast our float device buffers as float2 or float4 buffers. This technique increases the number of bytes in flight and reduces the number of global load/store instructions

  4. Local Data Share (LDS): utilization of the LDS to store the grid data and compute the stencil in the y-direction reduces pressure on global memory (caches and HBM). While storing all the grid data in LDS instead of in registers may help reduce register pressure, allocating too much LDS per thread block lowers the occupancy.

All four optimizations result in significant performance boosts for the individual directional kernels. Furthermore, combining the x and y kernels with the above optimizations gives near identical performance to the x-direction and y-direction kernels. The final optimization fused all three stencil kernels into a single one. The end result is a one-pass approach yielding nearly a 2.5x speedup over the three-pass approach.

In the next blog post, we extend this effort to even higher order finite difference stencils, i.e., beyond R=4, and study the performance across different grid sizes and hardware architecture. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on Github Discussions.

Accompanying code examples