MI300A - Exploring the APU advantage#

This blog post will introduce you to the advantages of AMD Instinct™ MI300A accelerated processing unit (APU), discussing the hardware architecture and how to leverage its GPU programming capabilities.
We will discuss the main technical gains of the MI300A’s shared physical memory architecture and its programming advantages. We will then show you how AMD ROCm™ enables the APU Programming Model and how to handle its memory allocations. We will demonstrate how you can implement the APU Programming Model following different offloading strategies, using HIP API, OpenMP™, and by exploring other abstraction layers.
Let’s start exploring the efficiency, flexibility, and programmability advantages of the MI300A APU!
Advantages of the APU programming model#
Eliminates the complexity of heterogeneous memory management: The physically shared HBM on the APU gives the compute units on the device immediate access to the data allocated by the host with data coherency between them. This allows you to omit device buffer allocations and copying data, which results in the reduction of overheads associated with data management. In addition, the lower memory footprint allows for a larger problem size to be processed on the APU.
Enables offloading of complex code regions: The ease of data management enables programmers to accelerate regions of code with complex object-oriented programming (including encapsulated data, user-defined data structures, etc.). This is especially useful when targeting production-level codes that have been heavily optimized for the CPUs and reduces the overall time needed to port such complex codes to the GPUs.
Reuse same code: Maintaining large GPU codes is challenging for most programmers, primarily due to the need to constantly check and maintain two separate code paths (host and device). On the contrary, with majority of the data management out of the way, the APU programming model makes it easier to maintain the code and have a unified codebase. This is especially true with OpenMP offloading (more on this in a later section).
Portability across hardware: Apart from memory management, ensuring code compatibility and portability between different hardware also takes a big chunk of the maintenance effort. The managed memory support in devices like the MI200 and MI300X makes it easier for codes with the APU programming model to run on these discrete cards. However, page migrations can affect the performance (for more details on how the effects of page migration can be handled, refer to How ROCm enables the APU programming model).
The APU Programming Model reduces the entry barrier and encourages programmers to adopt GPU acceleration for their code, where they can focus on porting and optimizing the compute kernels without worrying about the tedious memory and data management tasks.

Figure 3: Porting strategies for OpenFOAM HPC Motorbike using PETSc and APU Programming Model
OpenFOAM®, a C++ library for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), is an early adopter of the APU programming model. Figure 3 illustrates the use of two porting strategies – one using a third-party library PETSc with HIP support for offloading computations on discrete GPUs like MI200, and second, using the APU Programming Model on MI300A. From the figure you can observe that a significantly large amount of time and effort was spent in enabling HIP support for PETSc before OpenFOAM benchmarks could run on Instinct MI200. In comparison, the APU programming model needed a fraction of the effort (with less than 200 lines of OpenMP target offloading as cited in the ISC paper) to port to MI300A. The dependency on third-party libraries was eliminated, and OpenFOAM code could be directly ported. This allowed for incremental porting of various sections, including complex matrix operators and macros, resulting in significant speedups.
How ROCm enables the APU programming model#
ROCm™ is an open software stack including drivers, development tools, and APIs
that enable GPU programming from low-level kernel to end-user applications. ROCm 6.0 and newer releases
have support for MI300A architecture (gfx942
). To understand how the APU Programming Model is enabled
by ROCm, let’s take a quick look at GPU memory allocations and how they are handled.
GPU memory#
In an application, allocated memory can be categorized as - pageable, pinned, or managed.
Pageable memory is allocated when using system allocators such as
. It exists on “pages” (blocks of memory), which can be migrated to other memory storage.Pinned memory (or page-locked memory, or non-pageable memory) is host memory that is mapped into the address space of all GPUs, allowing the pointer to be used on the host as well as the device. In conventional GPU programming using discrete systems, pinned memory is used to improve transfer times between the host and the device with
.Managed Memory refers to universally addressable, or unified memory available since the MI200 series of GPUs. Much like pinned memory, managed memory shares a pointer between the host and the device and (by default) supports fine-grained coherence. However, managed memory can also automatically migrate pages between the host and the device. The allocation will be managed by the AMD GPU driver using the Linux HMM (Heterogeneous Memory Management) mechanism.
For more details about page migration please refer to the MI200 GPU memory space overview blog post.
Translation Not-Acknowledged (XNACK) on the APU#
XNACK describes the GPU’s ability to retry memory accesses that failed due to a page fault (which normally would lead to a memory access error), and instead retrieve the missing page. This also affects memory allocated by the system as indicated by the following table:
Data Location |
Host After Device Access |
Device After Host Access |
System allocated |
Host |
Migrate page to host |
Migrate page to device |
Host |
Migrate page to host |
Migrate page to device |
Device |
Zero-copy |
Local Access |
Where “Zero-copy” means no extra allocation or movement of data. With the shared HBM on MI300A, all types of memory allocations are pinned in the same memory space, allowing the data to be seamlessly accessed by both the host and device components. In this system, physical page migration is neither needed nor useful, however, handling page-faults via XNACK is still necessary. Thus, applications implementing the APU programming model and relying on unified memory must be compiled on an XNACK-enabled system.
To check if page migration is available on a platform, use rocminfo
$ rocminfo | grep xnack
Name: amdgcn-amd-amdhsa--gfx942:sramecc+:xnack-
Here, xnack-
means that XNACK is available but is disabled by default. XNACK can be enabled for an entire system using
a kernel boot parameter noretry
. It can also be enabled for a single application by setting the environment variable
. At compile-time, setting the --offload-arch=
option with xnack+
or xnack-
forces code to
be only run with XNACK enabled or disabled respectively:
# Compiled kernels will run regardless if XNACK is enabled or is disabled.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx942
# Compiled kernels will only be run if XNACK is enabled with XNACK=1.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx942:xnack+
# Compiled kernels will only be run if XNACK is disabled with XNACK=0.
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx942:xnack-
Offloading strategies supporting the APU programming model#
Programmers can implement the APU programming model in their application and utilize an array of offloading strategies, including:
HIP Runtime and HIP C++#
HIP API is a C++ runtime API and kernel language that lets developers create portable applications for AMD and
NVIDIA GPUs from single source code. A simple vector add example is shown that accelerates the add
on the APU, where the buffers A
and B
allocated on the host are passed to the device kernel.
#include <iostream>
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
int main()
double *A = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
double *B = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
double *C = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
// initialize the data in the
for (auto i=0; i<N; i++)
A[i] = 1.1;
B[i] = i / 1.3;
//call the gpu kernel with host data
add<<<grid,block,0,0>>>(A, B, C, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
//block host threads till tasks on the device are completed
// free data allocations
delete[] A;
delete[] B;
delete[] C;
Full source code is provided here for reference. Before compiling the code ensure that HSA_XNACK=1
is setup
in the environment, and then compile with hipcc
and provide the architecture for MI300A to --offload-arch=
hipcc -O3 --offload-arch=gfx942 -o <exec-name> vecAdd_hip.cpp
NOTE: The same code can be compiled on the MI200 by changing the architecture to
, however, the managed memory support will initiate page migrations that will affect the performance.
Applications using parallel algorithms from C++ Standard Library algorithms can take advantage of multi-core architectures and seamlessly offload to AMD accelerators, including MI300A, using HIPSTDPAR, by changing a few compiler flags. For more details, see the C++17 parallel algorithms and HIPSTDPAR blog.
Furthermore, applications written in other languages such as Fortran and Python can also leverage acceleration through HIP by implementing an interface to C, for example, C-interfaces for Fortran. These techniques will be covered in greater detail in a follow-up post.
Directive-based offloading with OpenMP#
Many HPC applications also use directive-based approaches with OpenMP™ to parallelize regions of code.
With OpenMP 4.0, target-based offloading has enabled programmers to accelerate code on GPUs. On the
APU, the unified shared memory support in AMD ROCm; and unified physically shared HBM allows OpenMP
to support the APU programming model, where the developers do not have to worry about the complexity of data management.
Figure 4 shows pseudocode, where the map
clause that defines data copy between the host and device is
not needed as the OpenMP runtime is aware that these can be omitted on the APU as long as unified shared memory
is enabled either by adding #pragma omp requires unified_shared_memory
to the source file, or the code is
compiled with -fopenmp-force-usm

Figure 4: Pseudocode for accelerating code with OpenMP on the APU
The vector add example shown before can be accelerated with OpenMP, where the add
kernel has been replaced by a
parallel for
loop, and #pragma omp target
accelerates this region on the compute units of the APU.
The full source code can be found here, and can be compiled with clang++
packaged with AMD ROCm; using -fopenmp --offload-arch=gfx942
#include <iostream>
#include <omp.h>
#pragma omp requires unified_shared_memory
constexpr int N = (1024*1024);
int main()
double *A = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
double *B = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
double *C = new (std::align_val_t(128)) double[N];
// initialize the data in the
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for
for (auto i=0; i<N; i++)
A[i] = 1.1;
B[i] = i / 1.3;
//add vector elements
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
delete[] A;
delete[] B;
delete[] C;
NOTE: Similar to the HIP example, the managed memory support on MI200 allows the OpenMP code to be compiled by changing the architecture to
, however, the resulting page migrations on MI200 can affect the performance.
AMD’s next-generation Fortran compiler, provides support for Fortran-based applications, and developers can use target offloading with the APU programming model.
Other abstractions#
Acceleration on AMD Instinct™ GPUs is also available through other abstraction layers, like Kokkos, Raja, SYCL, and numerical libraries like PETSc, Gingko, OCCA. However, the level of support for the APU programming model is at the discretion of the developers and users, and advised to read their respective user manuals for details.
In this introductory blog post, you have conceptualized the APU programming model and its advantages:
It reduces the complexities around data and memory management.
Allows incremental offloading, which is beneficial for an evolving code base.
Provides a cleaner code that is much easier to maintain.
Supports backward portability with previous-generation MI200 GPUs.
In addition, this post also highlights how AMD ROCm; software stack supports the APU programming model and illustrates accelerating a simple benchmark using HIP and OpenMP target offloading.