Posts in English

DBRX Instruct on AMD GPUs

In this blog, we showcase DBRX Instruct, a mixture-of-experts large language model developed by Databricks, on a ROCm-capable system with AMD GPUs.

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Accelerate PyTorch Models using torch.compile on AMD GPUs with ROCm

PyTorch 2.0 introduces torch.compile(), a tool to vastly accelerate PyTorch code and models. By converting PyTorch code into highly optimized kernels, torch.compile delivers substantial performance improvements with minimal changes to the existing codebase. This feature allows for precise optimization of individual functions, entire modules, and complex training loops, providing a versatile and powerful tool for enhancing computational efficiency.

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Accelerating models on ROCm using PyTorch TunableOp

In this blog, we will show how to leverage PyTorch TunableOp to accelerate models using ROCm on AMD GPUs. We will discuss the basics of General Matrix Multiplications (GEMMs), show an example of tuning a single GEMM, and finally, demonstrate real-world performance gains on an LLM (gemma) using TunableOp.

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A Guide to Implementing and Training Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) in JAX on AMD GPUs

2 July, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Mamba on AMD GPUs with ROCm

28, Jun 2024 by Sean Song, Jassani Adeem, Moskvichev Arseny.

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Deep Learning Recommendation Models on AMD GPUs

28, June 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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TensorFlow Profiler in practice: Optimizing TensorFlow models on AMD GPUs

TensorFlow Profiler consists of a set of tools designed to measure resource utilization and performance during the execution of TensorFlow models. It offers insights into how a model interacts with hardware resources, including execution time and memory usage. TensorFlow Profiler helps in pinpointing performance bottlenecks, allowing us to fine-tune the execution of models for improved efficiency and faster outcomes which can be crucial in scenarios where near-real-time predictions are required.

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Stone Ridge Expands Reservoir Simulation Options with AMD Instinct™ Accelerators

Stone Ridge Technology (SRT) pioneered the use of GPUs for high performance reservoir simulation (HPC) nearly a decade ago with ECHELON, its flagship software product. ECHELON, the first of its kind, engineered from the outset to harness the full potential of massively parallel GPUs, stands apart in the industry for its power, efficiency, and accuracy. Now, ECHELON has added support for AMDInstinct accelerators into its simulation engine, offering new flexibility and optionality to its clients.

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Segment Anything with AMD GPUs

4 Jun, 2024 by Sean Song.

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SmoothQuant model inference on AMD Instinct MI300X using Composable Kernel

The AMD ROCm™ Composable Kernel (CK) library provides a programming model for writing performance-critical kernels for machine learning workloads. It generates a general-purpose kernel during the compilation phase through a C++ template, enabling developers to achieve operation fusions on different data precisions.

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Unveiling performance insights with PyTorch Profiler on an AMD GPU

29 May, 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Panoptic segmentation and instance segmentation with Detectron2 on AMD GPUs

23, May 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Siemens taps AMD Instinct™ GPUs to expand high-performance hardware options for Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Siemens recently announced that its Simcenter STAR-CCM+ multi-physics computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software now supports AMD Instinct™ GPUs for GPU-native computation. This move addresses its users’ needs for computational efficiency, reduced simulation costs and energy usage, and greater hardware choice.

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AMD Collaboration with the University of Michigan offers High Performance Open-Source Solutions to the Bioinformatics Community

Long read DNA sequencing technology is revolutionizing genetic diagnostics and precision medicine by helping us discover structural variants and assemble whole genomes. It also helps us study evolutionary relationships. Lower sequencing costs and high-throughput portable long read sequencers are revolutionizing precision medicine today. Long read sequencers from the top manufacturers including Oxford Nanopore (ONT) and PacBio, can produce reads that are much longer than previous generations of sequencers. However, long reads vary in length and are significantly more error prone than short reads. Sequence alignment (on CPUs) is one of the main bottlenecks in long read processing workflows.

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Accelerating Large Language Models with Flash Attention on AMD GPUs

15, May 2024 by Clint Greene.

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For an application developer it is often helpful to read the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) for the GPU architecture that is used to perform its computations. Understanding the instructions of the pertinent code regions of interest can help in debugging and achieving performance optimization of the application.

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AMD in Action: Unveiling the Power of Application Tracing and Profiling

Rocprof is a robust tool designed to analyze and optimize the performance of HIP programs on AMD ROCm platforms, helping developers pinpoint and resolve performance bottlenecks. Rocprof provides a variety of profiling data, including performance counters, hardware traces, and runtime API/activity traces.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Use OpenLLM on AMD GPUs

1, May 2024 by Fabricio Flores.

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Inferencing with Mixtral 8x22B on AMD GPUs

1, May 2024 by Clint Greene.

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Training a Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) Recommender on an AMD GPU

30, Apr 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Table Question-Answering with TaPas

26 Apr, 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Multimodal (Visual and Language) understanding with LLaVA-NeXT

26, Apr 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Application portability with HIP

Many scientific applications run on AMD-equipped computing platforms and supercomputers, including Frontier, the first Exascale system in the world. These applications, coming from a myriad of science domains, were ported to run on AMD GPUs using the Heterogeneous-compute Interface for Portability (HIP) abstraction layer. HIP enables these High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to transition their CUDA codes to run and take advantage of the latest AMD GPUs. The effort involved in porting these scientific applications varies from a few hours to a few weeks and largely depends on the complexity of the original source code. Figure 1 shows several examples of applications that have been ported and the corresponding porting effort.

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Unlocking Vision-Text Dual-Encoding: Multi-GPU Training of a CLIP-Like Model

24 Apr, 2024 by Sean Song.

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Transforming Words into Motion: A Guide to Video Generation with AMD GPU

24 Apr, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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C++17 parallel algorithms and HIPSTDPAR

The C++17 standard added the concept of parallel algorithms to the pre-existing C++ Standard Library. The parallel version of algorithms like std::transform maintain the same signature as the regular serial version, except for the addition of an extra parameter specifying the execution policy to use. This flexibility allows users that are already using the C++ Standard Library algorithms to take advantage of multi-core architectures by just introducing minimal changes to their code.

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Inferencing with AI2’s OLMo model on AMD GPU

17 Apr, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Text Summarization with FLAN-T5

16, Apr 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Speech-to-Text on an AMD GPU with Whisper

16 Apr, 2024 by Clint Greene.

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PyTorch C++ Extension on AMD GPU

16, Apr 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Programming AMD GPUs with Julia

Julia is a high-level, general-purpose dynamic programming language that automatically compiles to efficient native code via LLVM, and supports multiple platforms. With LLVM, comes the support for programming GPUs, including AMD GPUs.

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Program Synthesis with CodeGen

16, Apr 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Interacting with Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) model on AMD GPU

16, Apr 2024 by Sean Song.

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Instruction fine-tuning of StarCoder with PEFT on multiple AMD GPUs

16 Apr, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Affinity part 2 - System topology and controlling affinity

In Part 1 of the Affinity blog series, we looked at the importance of setting affinity for High Performance Computing (HPC) workloads. In this blog post, our goals are the following:

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Affinity part 1 - Affinity, placement, and order

Modern hardware architectures are increasingly complex with multiple sockets, many cores in each Central Processing Unit (CPU), Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), memory controllers, Network Interface Cards (NICs), etc. Peripherals such as GPUs or memory controllers will often be local to a CPU socket. Such designs present interesting challenges in optimizing memory access times, data transfer times, etc. Depending on how the system is built, hardware components are connected, and the workload being run, it may be advantageous to use the resources of the system in a specific way. In this article, we will discuss the role of affinity, placement, and order in improving performance for High Performance Computing (HPC) workloads. A short case study is also presented to familiarize you with performance considerations on a node in the Frontier supercomputer. In a follow-up article, we also aim to equip you with the tools you need to understand your system’s hardware topology and set up affinity for your application accordingly.

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Enhancing LLM Accessibility: A Deep Dive into QLoRA Through Fine-tuning Llama 2 on a single AMD GPU

15, Apr 2024 by Sean Song.

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Developing Triton Kernels on AMD GPUs

15 Apr, 2024 by Clint Greene.

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GPU Unleashed: Training Reinforcement Learning Agents with Stable Baselines3 on an AMD GPU in Gymnasium Environment

11 Apr, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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ResNet for image classification using AMD GPUs

9 Apr, 2024 by Logan Grado.

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Small language models with Phi-2

8, Apr 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Using the ChatGLM-6B bilingual language model with AMD GPUs

4, Apr 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Total body segmentation using MONAI Deploy on an AMD GPU

4, Apr 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using LlamaIndex

4, Apr 2024 by Clint Greene.

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Inferencing and serving with vLLM on AMD GPUs

4 Apr, 2024 by Clint Greene.

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Image classification using Vision Transformer with AMD GPUs

4 Apr, 2024 by Eliot Li.

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Building semantic search with SentenceTransformers on AMD

4 Apr, 2024 by Fabricio Flores.

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Scale AI applications with Ray

1, Apr 2024 by Vicky Tsang<vicktsan>, {hoverxref}Logan Grado, {hoverxref}Eliot Li.

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Automatic mixed precision in PyTorch using AMD GPUs

29, March 2024 by Logan Grado.

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Large language model inference optimizations on AMD GPUs

15, Mar 2024 by Seungrok Jung.

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Building a decoder transformer model on AMD GPU(s)

12, Mar 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Question-answering Chatbot with LangChain on an AMD GPU

11, Mar 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Music Generation With MusicGen on an AMD GPU

8, Mar 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Efficient image generation with Stable Diffusion models and ONNX Runtime using AMD GPUs

23 Feb, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Simplifying deep learning: A guide to PyTorch Lightning

8, Feb 2024 by Phillip Dang.

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Two-dimensional images to three-dimensional scene mapping using NeRF on an AMD GPU

7, Feb 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Using LoRA for efficient fine-tuning: Fundamental principles

5, Feb 2024 by Sean Song.

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Fine-tune Llama 2 with LoRA: Customizing a large language model for question-answering

1, Feb 2024 by Sean Song.

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Pre-training BERT using Hugging Face & TensorFlow on an AMD GPU

29, Jan 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Pre-training BERT using Hugging Face & PyTorch on an AMD GPU

26, Jan 2024 by Vara Lakshmi Bayanagari.

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Accelerating XGBoost with Dask using multiple AMD GPUs

26 Jan, 2024 by Clint Greene.

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LLM distributed supervised fine-tuning with JAX

25 Jan, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Pre-training a large language model with Megatron-DeepSpeed on multiple AMD GPUs

24 Jan, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Efficient image generation with Stable Diffusion models and AITemplate using AMD GPUs

24 Jan, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Efficient deployment of large language models with Text Generation Inference on AMD GPUs

24 Jan, 2024 by Douglas Jia.

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Sparse matrix vector multiplication - part 1

3 Nov, 2023 by Paul Mullowney.

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Jacobi Solver with HIP and OpenMP offloading

15 Sept, 2023 by Asitav Mishra, Rajat Arora, Justin Chang.

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Creating a PyTorch/TensorFlow code environment on AMD GPUs

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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Finite difference method - Laplacian part 4

18 Jul, 2023 by Justin Chang, Thomas Gibson, Sean Miller.

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GPU-aware MPI with ROCm

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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Register pressure in AMD CDNA™2 GPUs

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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Finite difference method - Laplacian part 3

11 May, 2023 by Justin Chang, Rajat Arora, Thomas Gibson, Sean Miller, Ossian O’Reilly.

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Introduction to profiling tools for AMD hardware

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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AMD Instinct™ MI200 GPU memory space overview

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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AMD ROCm™ installation

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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Finite difference method - Laplacian part 2

4 Jan, 2023 by Justin Chang, Rajat Arora, Thomas Gibson, Sean Miller, Ossian O’Reilly.

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Finite difference method - Laplacian part 1

14 Nov, 2022 by Justin Chang, Rajat Arora, Thomas Gibson, Sean Miller, Ossian O’Reilly.

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AMD matrix cores

Note: This blog was previously part of the AMD lab notes blog series.

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